Time is flying…

…and I am running around trying to get things done as quickly as I can. Business, housework, etc. And all the while I am trying not to lose sight of God’s plan for me, His will for my life. In the midst of confusing and somewhat crazy circumstances, it’s so easy to forget what He has done for us, the promises He has made. Seems like sometimes the only thing we can do is throw up our hands and ask, “Why, God?” We all come to that place in our relationships with God. Eventually something happens in our lives that drives us to ask that question. And that’s okay because He is merciful and knows that we are but dust. As long as we allow Him to move us past that and speak to us even if we don’t want to hear what He says, we’re okay. It’s when we allow that question to separate us from our faith that we get in trouble. He doesn’t always tell us why, and that is because He wants us to trust Him even when we don’t know why. It’s a strengthening of faith if we let it be.

Hmm. I didn’t really intend for that to turn into what it did. But I hope those of you out there who are Christians and are asking why have been encouraged. :)

Just a little more quiet.

I’ve been home for a week after spending two months in Texas. I’ve found myself struggling to get back into life here (example: I took several wrong turns on the way to Kroger today!). But I think I’m getting back into the rhythm now that life is just a little more quiet. I’ve started back to a regular workout regimen, I’ve unpacked some books so I actually have a shelf or two nicely occupied, and I’m feeling like I can stop holding my breath. Like I can actually settle for a while. I like it.

One thing that has been on my mind — something I want to start as soon as I finish my two big projects for my business — is writing blog entries that bless, encourage, and provoke people to deeper thought and reflection. God has taught me so much in the last few years of my walk with Him, and I feel such a desire to share some of it with anyone who will lend me their attention. Will you? I hope so.

Until next time.

Wearying Changes

I’m sure some of you have noticed that I haven’t been posting photos every day as I had been. I don’t like missing days, as I’d hoped to blog every day. And I plan to once my life settles a little bit. My family is getting my grandparents’ house ready to sell, and I am so weary of these changes. I miss my grandmother more than I thought I would, and thinking of saying good-bye to this house… I must simply see it as a chapter of my life coming to an end, that the next chapter is already in God’s mind, and that it will be good.