Just a little more quiet.

I’ve been home for a week after spending two months in Texas. I’ve found myself struggling to get back into life here (example: I took several wrong turns on the way to Kroger today!). But I think I’m getting back into the rhythm now that life is just a little more quiet. I’ve started back to a regular workout regimen, I’ve unpacked some books so I actually have a shelf or two nicely occupied, and I’m feeling like I can stop holding my breath. Like I can actually settle for a while. I like it.

One thing that has been on my mind — something I want to start as soon as I finish my two big projects for my business — is writing blog entries that bless, encourage, and provoke people to deeper thought and reflection. God has taught me so much in the last few years of my walk with Him, and I feel such a desire to share some of it with anyone who will lend me their attention. Will you? I hope so.

Until next time.