Time is flying…

…and I am running around trying to get things done as quickly as I can. Business, housework, etc. And all the while I am trying not to lose sight of God’s plan for me, His will for my life. In the midst of confusing and somewhat crazy circumstances, it’s so easy to forget what He has done for us, the promises He has made. Seems like sometimes the only thing we can do is throw up our hands and ask, “Why, God?” We all come to that place in our relationships with God. Eventually something happens in our lives that drives us to ask that question. And that’s okay because He is merciful and knows that we are but dust. As long as we allow Him to move us past that and speak to us even if we don’t want to hear what He says, we’re okay. It’s when we allow that question to separate us from our faith that we get in trouble. He doesn’t always tell us why, and that is because He wants us to trust Him even when we don’t know why. It’s a strengthening of faith if we let it be.

Hmm. I didn’t really intend for that to turn into what it did. But I hope those of you out there who are Christians and are asking why have been encouraged. :)